Simplicity - at the 2014 Texas Yoga Conference I was your partner in a alignment workshop and attended your workshop, three important take aways that have positively impacted my life: 1.) REST - one of the themes of your workshop, and not easy for a workaholic 2.) DREAMS - importance of following dreams (i.e. living in “paradise” 3.) PARTNERSHIP - getting to know you enabled me to articulate what I wanted in a life partner, she found me less than two months later and we have been together for nearly two years. Thank you for being an amazing teacher, wish you a great Friday.
— Mike Thacker

Divine Kids Yoga Kauai Immersion Yoga Retreat

I’m so grateful for knowing you and for your guidance on Kauai ❤. I loved every adventure you organized. I appreciate and acknowledge your passion, love, effort, commitment, Yoga lifestyle and your Aloha! Thank you for showing me your grace with words. Julie and i will cherish our time spent with nature and you.
— Kelly Solomon and daughter Julie age 12

Kauai Immersion YOGA Retreat

Less clothes more band-aids! Abundant hospitality. Nourished with tasty, gourmet meals. (Better than Potions.) Fresh lilikoi, lychee and mangoes divine! Daily challenging hikes and creamy restorative yoga. Swimming in icy, refreshing, mountain pools. Exploring secret gardens. Discovering native, wild, edible and medicinal plants. Gaining wisdom at a waterfall. Bonding with a Koa tree. Witnessing tear-jerking beauty. Being swallowed by the ocean and spit back out onto the shore. Learning to always face the horizon. Being called by the winds of La’amaomao. Greeting my shadow in a cave. Adopted by a family, friendly locals and a little dog too! Chat with a feral cat. Making offerings to the Spirits in stone. Have you ever seen a night rainbow? Well, I have. The great, black rocks by the ocean on Napali Coast are full of stars; I swear it! Simplicity, centipede whisperer. Haley, cacao alchemist. Good night moonbow, good morning chickens. How many constellations can you name? Sarong couture. Serenaded by Yogis and a Kahuna! Guided by Mana Cards and tales of Maui, Lono, Lamaku and Mo’o. I am change, I am trust, I am lighting a fire in my heart. The gift of a green tree for a budding Green Witch. Blessings in a smile as full as he was tall. Shiva’s compassion. Laughing into our greatness! Gratitude. Healing. Love. So much understanding, acceptance and love.

Thank you, Simplicity for leading this lone wanderer on a great adventure! I treasure my time traveling with you in Kauai as your student, guest and friend.
— Genevieve Alleyne
For years I was frustrated because I just couldn’t find a connection with my spiritual side. I knew it was there but nothing clicked, nothing resonated. And after being in Hawaii that side of me is vibrant and awake so I’m ready to explore and learn wherever it guides me!

I LOvED every second but I think being in Kalalau was my favorite. Away from the world in touch with nature. I felt like it was a perfect balance between planned activities and free time to experience Hawaii. I really loved having the opportunity to meet Ka’imi and learn more about Hawaiian culture.

Honestly it was the best experience of my life. The only thing I’d change is if make it waaaaay longer! Like months!
— AnaPaula Pensalva
As a city-dweller suddenly in raw nature, I kept being stunned by picture-postcard-perfect beauty constantly surrounding me. Although the Kauai experience has its challenges, its amazing atmosphere and the wonderful guidance of Simplicity, Haley, Fred, and the rest make for an UNFORGETTABLY EPICLY AWESOME experience.
— Scotty Ellis
My favorite experience was connecting with nature - waterfalls, trees, rocks, ocean, fruits What did i enjoy the most? That’s a tough one. While I loved the greeting by Ka’imi, the yoga practices, the time in Kalalau, the community and being immersed in Hawaiian culture with stories, food and experiences, what stands out most to me was the opportunity to connect with myself.

The Yoga on the Verge retreat was simply incredible - out of this world! Simplicity’s many gifts shone throughout the retreat. Her yoga instruction is well-rooted in a deep knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda. She taught Astanga based, playful yoga classes, shared her love for the land and culture, connected us with some amazing settings and opportunities, cooked us some amazing meals (even while camping!) and worked really hard to accommodate every individual’s needs. Her partner Haley, also gifted in yoga and the yogic lifestyle, complimented Simplicity well. She made us many raw vegan desserts, breakfast smoothies, and was an amazing host and guide on the land, culture and ocean life (she’s a marine biologist too!). I really liked all the places we visited and stayed - highlights for me included camping in Kalalau, hiking, waterfalls, vistas, beaches and the sacred Heiaus we visited. It was my first time traveling on my own in over a year and a half and I couldn’t have imagined a better trip!
— Erin Lester


                     Retreat Participant Experiences recorded last day of Retreat in The Kalalau Valley. 


Yoga on the Verge

Thanks for your encouragement and guidance during class. I wanted to be in your class because I have always loved who you are in life. Everyone loved it and the room was definitely packed! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and big heart with us!
— Eileen Elam Sabolcik
If a name is a symbol of our identity, then the name ‘Simplicity Love’ says it all! I am grateful for the light that Simplicity Love has brought to my life. She possesses an intrinsic energy that exudes throughout our ‘yoga sanctuary’ (inner space). Her yoga teachings bring inner peace, strength of mind, and most importantly, ‘simply love’. Namaste!
— Patti Bruni
Simplicity has been so much more than just a yoga instructor these past several years of practicing together. I consider her a spiritual adviser and a powerful influence on my everyday life. I learn something new from her every time we are together.
— Lisa Holthouse

Divine Kids Yoga

Simplicity taught me that I cannot fail.
— Zachary Westerlage age 9
My daughter has been working with Simplicity Love for over 1 year now. Through my process of research to find a right fit instructor for my daughter i was searching for an individual that embodied the physical skills as well as the spiritual skills- the latter being my priority. Simplicity Love has exceeded all my expectations and more. Her background as a trained Early Childhood Educator really allows her to connect with children. I hope my daughter continues to embrace and grow with yoga through her teachings. I have seen an enormous amount of growth in my daughter’s confidence, focus, and self control. Thank you Simplicity Love.
— Sogol Pahlavan, MD
Simplicity has been part of our family for 10 years. She has been coming to our home once per week to teach my daughters the gift of yoga. My oldest is 14, and the youngest is 11. Lexy, the 11 year old has been doing yoga since she was three years old, and has embraced yoga as part of her lifestyle. She looks forward to every Wednesday after school. The other day I heard some ‘Ohm’ chanting in our yoga room, it was the sweetest thing to hear my daughter on her own doing yoga and meditating. We are so grateful for Simplicity’s influence, love, kindness, brilliance, and her love of the yoga lifestyle. Thank you Simplicity for bringing yoga into our lives.
— Debbie Pakzaban
It has been my family’s good fortune to have Simplicity Love in our lives for the past four years. We found her when my son, a boy with autism, was 8. He had had physical and occupational therapy from age two. When he got older I wanted him to learn to control his body on his own rather than be manipulated by a therapist, so we decided to try yoga. It was a wonderful discovery. His sessions with Simplicity are filled with laughter and song and fun while staying focused on finding his physical strengths and weaknesses, tightened and relaxed parts of his body, and learning poses that, hopefully, he will keep doing for the rest of his life. Simplicity’s methods are ingenious and she creates a highly personalized routine for my son with games and scenarios created from their experiences. Their time together seems as much an improv as a yoga session. My son always looks forward to being with her. If he’s not having a good day, she makes it better. If he’s having a great day, they do wonderful things. My son learns more than just yoga poses from Simplicity. They talk about the different parts of his body, like bones and tendons, and how they work. They discuss mastery, gentleness, peace and the universe. Since my son started doing yoga with Simplicity he has come a long way. His body has grown stronger and more flexible, and his confidence and focus have improved greatly. We will keep her around as long as she wants to stay. Namaste,
— Carol Streatfeild


Simplicity is the most well-rounded kids yoga trainer I have ever encountered. Before taking her course I knew some yoga and had some classroom experience but didn’t have a replicable structure with which to share it. Simplicity’s Divine Kids’ Yoga training gave me a clear and easy-to-follow system for teaching great kids yoga classes. Best of all, this system is FAIL-SAFE. Because she builds responding to individual student needs into her system, it is literally impossible to teach anything other than a great kids’ yoga class using the Divine Kids’ method. It was a joy to work with Simplicity in Divine Kids Yoga training and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in working more with children, or to parents who would like to understand better the yogis in their charge. Thank you, Simplicity, I am ready for the next chapter in my career!
— Elisabeth Swim (Bhaag Kaur), NACYT-500; RYT-200
Thank you again a million times a million for your time. I had a wonderful session with my student- when I arrived she and her dad were in the middle of a fight, and when we got to the fitness room she sat in a corner crying. I talked to her, totally inspired by you, ready to channel all the Goddess energy in the Universe to help this sweet 11-year old girl whose Dad thinks she’s 16. We had a beautiful yoga session, using much of what you gave me, and by the end she was blissful, peaceful, smiling. She and her dad hung out with me after for a good 20 minutes laughing and talking. A miracle. Thank you so much! There is no one else I’m really interested in doing yoga with but you. I greatly treasure the moments we have training and the wonderful packet of info!!!
— Merciful Wells
When asked before moving from Houston, TX to California, ‘What was your highlight living in Houston?’ ‘Learning to teach Yoga to Children with Simplicity Love’
— Katalina Wells



Simplicity Love’s Abhyanga massage was quite blissful. I’d never had a massage that was not deep tissue and wasn’t sure that it would even have much of an effect in relaxing me, but I was very wrong. The lightness and love in her hands took me to another level of peace and relaxation I’d never quite visited before. I left with a clear mind and a loose, floaty feeling in my body. I will definitely be scheduling up another session soon!
— Anthony Rodriguez